INDRAMAYU - Teaching Learning Activities (KBM) at Ma'had Al Zaytun went smoothly, although various polemics related to Panji Gumilang were hitting the institution.

"We make sure the curriculum goes well, as well as teaching and learning activities," said Al Zaytun Madrasah Coordinator Aliyah (MA) Muhammad Nasir as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, July 27.

Nasir said the KBM process must be integrated as a program for student and teacher activities to be carried out thoroughly, and should not be disturbed by any activities.

"The job of all children is to learn, while the task of the teachers is to educate and teach, not to be disturbed," he said.

In line with this, the President of the Ma'had Al Zaytun Student Organization Shabrina Tifa Azzahra also admitted that he and his friends did not feel disturbed by the polemic.

He emphasized that there was no difference in teaching and learning activities in Ma'had Al Zaytun before and after the various polemics.

"It's our job to study and work, not to address or make it a center of thought to understand the news outside," said Shabrina.

The student from Tangerang, Banten admitted that she was happy to be a student at Ma'had Al Zaytun. This is evidenced by her studying at the institution since 2015, or since grade IV of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI), until class XII MA now.

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