YOGYAKARTA - Member of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Cinta Mega, will receive strict sanctions for her behavior in playing online games during a plenary meeting. Cinta Mega could be given a severe punishment, namely the interim replacement (PAW), which is a sanction that applies within the board (DPR, DPD, Provincial and Regency DPRD). What is PAW a member of the DPR?

PAW is one of the mechanisms that apply to council members. The mechanism for imposing PAW sanctions has been regulated in Law Number 27 of 2009. So what is PAW a member of the DPR and what are the provisions?

PAW is a process of changing between time for members of the DPR, DPD, Provincial and Regency/City DPRDs who stop between times to welcome candidates for interim replacements taken.

The person who replaced PAW for DPR members was taken from the List of Substitute Candidates (DCT) for DPR members, DCT DPD, DC DPRD, Regency/City DPRD from the same Political Party and in the same electoral district which received the next most votes.

PAW can be interpreted simply as a mechanism for the replacement of a member of the board or commissioner of the commission for several reasons, such as conditions that do not degrade to carry out duties or violate the AD and ART of its political parties. The right to change PAW can be done by political parties to members who sit in parliamentary seats, both at the central and regional levels.

There are several things that can cause council members to be dismissed or sentenced to PAW, namely as follows:

So after a member of the council was hit by PAW, how to determine his candidate for replacement? The following is a mechanism for determining candidates for PAW DPR and DPRD as reported from the kpu.go.id page:

The following is the procedure for submitting PAW for DPR members:

The following is the procedure for submitting PAW candidates:

Demikianlah review apa itu PAW anggota DPR, ketentuan, dan prosedurnya. Seorang anggota dewan bisa mendapat PAW karena beberapa hal. Keputusan PAW merupakan hak dari partai politik yang bersangkutan.

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