JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo emphasized that Aipda M will be prosecuted for being involved in the Cambodian network of Trafficking (TPPO) case. In this case, Aipda M is said to have obstructed the investigation process. In fact, receiving hundreds of millions of money from the network. "We are processing a crime, if that's the case we never hesitate," Sigit told reporters, Friday, July 21. According to him, the National Police continues to be committed to taking action against all its members who are involved in criminal acts. The purpose is solely to create a sense of justice for all Indonesian people. Even that commitment has been shown by revealing the role and connection. In addition, the figure of Aipda M has been displayed during a press conference at Polda Metro Jaya. "Oknum Polri yang saat itu diminta bantuan oleh sindikat untuk minta perlindungan dengan harapan kasusnya dihentikan. Namun kan semua kita proses, baik sindikatnya maupun oknum Polri sendiri kita proses," kata Sigit. Aipda M is one of 12 suspects in the Cambodian network TIP case that sells human organs. Aipda M is said to have received hundreds of money from the syndicate. "The person concerned received Rp612 million," said Director of General Criminal Investigation of the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Hengki Haryadi. Aipda M received the money by lying to the suspects. He admitted that he could discuss it so that the handling of the case would not be processed. In addition, from a series of examination processes, Aipda M was also involved in the obstruction of the investigation. Because, he ordered the perpetrators to change places so as not to be arrested.
"Aipda M, these are members who try to prevent, obstruct, either directly or indirectly the investigation process carried out by the joint team, namely by ordering them to throw away cellphones, moving places, the point is to avoid pursuit from the police," said Hengki.

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