SITUBONDO - The Explosives Disposal Team (Jhandak) of Company 3 Battalion B, Pioneer of the Mobile Brigade Unit (Satbrimob) of the East Java Regional Police, evacuated pineapple grenades found in the yard of Situbondo residents, East Java, Thursday night. Head of Operations Section (Head of Ops) of the Situbondo Police Commissioner Agus Widodo stated that the local police deliberately brought in and asked for help from the Jihandak Team Brimob Unit of the East Java Police after receiving information on the discovery of pineapple grenades in the cattle cage of the residents of Talkandang Village, Situbondo District. "The pineapple grenade was found by residents on behalf of Santoso (63) a resident of Talkandang Village, at the time the person concerned dug up the ground to install a stakes tied up the cows behind his house," said Kompol Agus quoted by ANTARA, Friday, July 21. He said, initially Santoso ignored when he found the pineapple grenade-like object, so that at that time he was immediately thrown around the cow's cage behind his house. Out of concern, Santoso who found the pineapple grenade conveyed it to his neighbors and then reported it to the local Babinsa and Bhabinkamtibmas. "After receiving the report on the discovery of the grenade, we from the Resort Police carried out location security by deploying Sat Samapta personnel and Situbondo City Police officers installed a police line at the location where the pineapple grenade-type explosives were found," said Kompol Agus.
At around 20.15 WIB the Jihandak Team from Company 3 Battalion B Pioneer Satbrimob East Java Police arrived at the location and evacuated the pineapple grenade and was taken using a tactical vehicle to the Mobile Brigade Headquarters in Bondowoso Tenggara to be secured and waited for the destruction process. "Alhamdulillah, the pineapple grenade has been evacuated by the Brimob Jihandak Team and taken to the Brimob Company Headquarters 3 Battalion B Pioneer Tenggarang, Bondowoso. The plan is to be destroyed soon," said Agus.
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