The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) has changed the paradigm of disaster management in Lembata Regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). Previously, disaster survivors as an object of handling are now people involved in an emergency response period.

"The paradigm change in disaster management is implemented through the presence of the Lembata Disaster Information System (Sibela)," said Head of the Lembata Regency BPBD Prevention and Preparedness Division Andris Koban in Lewoleba, Lembata, NTT, Wednesday, July 19, which was confiscated by Antara.

He explained that disaster management in Lembata, for example, the eruption of Mount Ile Lewotolok in 2021 still makes survivors the object of disaster management.

"This means that survivors are gathered somewhere, then receive treatment from the disaster authorities. However, through the presence of the Lembata disaster information system, disaster survivors are involved in the work of the emergency response period," he said.

This system refers to the learning of handling the eruption in 2021 so that it is used to organize the dynamics of disaster movement.

Thus, survivors, namely refugees in a disaster incident are no longer seen as refugees, but are involved in disaster management activities at their place of refuge.

Andris explained that the training for regional and community apparatus organizations had been carried out on Tuesday, July 18 with a detailed explanation of how the system works.

"In the Lembata disaster information system, every user involved in disaster management will easily fill in data and logistical needs as well as know their respective duties and functions when the Ile Lewotolok volcano eruption occurs," he said.

In the system, there are also three posts mapped based on operational plan documents, namely support posts at three points, regional posts at four points, and special posts spread across 15 points, as well as 18 points of lonakakan or village/kelurahan destination for refugees.

According to Andris, all participants who became admins understood the use of the system in the form of the application. The participants also felt the ease of operating the application.

Acting Head of BPBD Lembata Regency, Stahanus Hede Wadu said BPBD Lembata had begun to improve the overlapping disaster information system in the past.

His party also designed an integrated information system so that disaster emergency management can be carried out optimally.

Representative from Bappelitbangda Lembata, Lusia Ramos, who was involved in operating the information system, said that he felt the ease of utilizing the disaster application.

Through this system, his party can find out about the logistical needs of refugees from villages affected by the disaster according to the database filled by the village operator concerned.

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