JAKARTA - The People's Representative Council (DPR) does not seem to believe there is a typo in one of the articles in the draft work creation bill (RUU). Because typos or what is better known as typos have caused polemics in the community.
Commission III member Arsul Sani also suggested that the government immediately correct errors in the substance of writing in several problematic articles. If necessary, the article with a typo must be deleted from the draft bill.
"I don't think it's a typo. Because, if a typo should exist, for example, 'he said' should exist, not be there. It becomes a typo or it should not be able to, or should not be able to be typed. Now that's a typo," he said. Arsul, at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, February 19.
The PPP Secretary General said that the phrase contained in Article 170 of the draft Job Creation Bill cannot be considered a typo. Because, at least there is more than one verse that is related in that article.
Article 170 in the Omnibus Law of the Job Creation Bill is the subject of public discussion because in a structured manner it states that the central government has the authority to change laws through government regulations (PP).
Article 170 Paragraph 1 of the Work Creation Bill reads: "In order to accelerate the implementation of the strategic work copyright policy as referred to in Article 4 Paragraph (1), based on this Law the central government has the authority to amend the provisions of this Law and / or change the provisions of this Law. in laws that are not amended in this Law. "
Then, in Article 170 Paragraph 2, it is stated that the amendments to the provisions shall be regulated by government regulations. The next paragraph states that in order to establish government regulations, the government can consult with the House of Representatives (DPR).
Even so, Arsul said, the draft is still in the form of a bill that can still be changed. He admitted that he was grateful that legal experts, elements of civil society, and the media reminded the "existence" of this article.
"It is very possible, not deleted, maybe we will change it later. If a bill is signed, it will be determined by the Bamus meeting. Wait for it to be decided where it will be discussed, in Baleg or for example the Special Committee or cross commissions. We'll see," he said.

Withdraw and Delete Article 170 Job Creation
Commission XI member Didi Irawadi Syamsuddin said the government should not force proposals that have fatal flaws. Regarding article 170 Job Creation, there is no reason for a typo. In fact, that is clearly what the government wants.
"If indeed then the article is a fatal mistake, then just delete it. However, admit that the article was the government's desire from the start, but it has collided with the hierarchy of legislation. There is no need to keep looking for excuses as if the whole community doesn't understand," said Didi. .
Didi said that the logic and common sense of the Indonesian people can easily see what is wrong in this article. Moreover, if you look at Article 170 which contains three paragraphs in it.
"Is it a typo along that length? A typo in the form of 1 article and 3 paragraphs? A typo is usually not substantive. In fact, it is clear that the contents of this article are very substantive. So clear and clear that is the real desire of the government as stated in the Job Creation Bill," he explained .
The Wasekjen of Parati Democrats advised the government not to throw stones and then hide their hands. This means that there is no need to seek justification. So, the best step is to withdraw and immediately delete the article.
"Confess knightly that is the real desire of the government which turned out to be a fatal mistake. Then reformulate it so that it becomes a better bill. If this is done it will be much more beautiful and honorable," he said.
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