JAKARTA - The National Police's Trafficking Crime Task Force (TPPO) arrested 737 suspects. They were arrested from June 5 to July 6.
"The number of suspects in the TIP case is 737 people," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Public Relations Division Kombes Nurul Azizah to reporters, Saturday, July 8.
The arrests of hundreds of suspects were based on 632 police reports (LP) received both at the Bareskrim level and the regional police ranks.
From this series of disclosures, the task force formed by the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowi managed to save 2,011 from the TIP syndicate.
They are often deceived by the modes of the suspects, for example, employing abroad. Of course, with the lure of a large salary.
"The mode used as legal migrant workers or PMI or house assistants on date was 441, then as crew members as many as 9, sex workers as many as 181 and exploitation of children as many as 44," said Nurul.
The massive action taken is the National Police Chief's commitment to weighting TIP in Indonesia. This is because the crime has harmed the public and the state.
Moreover, the eradication of TIP is in line with the agreement between President Jokowi and several state leaders, who will eradicate all forms of TIP.
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