NTB - The Regency Government (Pemkab) and the Central Lombok DPRD will follow up on the findings of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) on the Regional Government Financial Report (LKPD) for the 2022 Fiscal Year.
"We have agreed to find the Examination Result Report (LHP) from the BPK to be followed up and returned," said the chairman of the Central Lombok DPRD, M Tauhid in Praya, Tuesday, July 4, confiscated by Antara.
With the findings of the BPK, the Central Lombok Regency Government was given 60 days to resolve the issue.
Tauhid said that the Central Lombok Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD), which is the location of the findings, had been emphasized to immediately return it.
"Until now, at least 70 percent or Rp. 4 billion of BPK's findings have been completed," he said.
He said that one of the findings from the BPK was a project at the Public Works and Spatial Planning (PUPR), at least there was an overpayment for 22 packages of road, network and irrigation capital expenditure work, which amounted to Rp4.2 billion.
Apart from PUPR, there are also various other findings, ranging from the management of BOS funds in each school to various other problems.
There were even findings from the BPK related to the waste of honorarium for the deputy regent and three deputy chairmen of the Central Lombok DPRD reaching Rp180 million.
"We will call the OPD which has BPK findings," he said.
The DPRD also continues to coordinate with local governments regarding the progress of completing the BPK findings and from the results of the coordination carried out, there are several findings that have been successfully returned.
"Normatively, we are given the opportunity for 60 days to follow up on these BPK findings and we have asked for an explanation from the Plh Sekda," he said.
His party was reluctant to reveal in detail how many BPK findings had to be returned. However, his party ensures that the OPD, which is the location of these findings, continues to make maximum efforts and is committed to making returns.
He is optimistic that the return will be completed according to the deadline given by the BPK RI.
"Actually, every year there must be findings and this is a normal thing. The most findings currently exist in the PUPR Service related to overpayments for road projects, irrigation and various other jobs," he concluded.
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