JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) has confirmed that the budget provided to buy biscuits as an effort to overcome stunting in each region has been stopped and its use has been diverted.

"The budget for purchasing milk and biscuits is now no longer there. All budget items are budgets for buying animal protein food products," said Deputy Health Minister Dante Saksono Harbuwono as reported by ANTARA, Monday, June 26.

Responding to the finding that the provision of nutritious food in the regions often violates regulations such as providing packaged products for boxed milk and biscuits that are high in fat and sugar, Dante stated that his party repeatedly held evaluations and hearings with experts.

The experts who attended came from universities, professional organizations to associations in charge of related cases. The goal is to get the contents of the stunting handling module in a good, precise and accurate area, so that its imposition can be maximized.

From the results of the discussion, Dante said that the decision to terminate the budget was made after experts in one voice highlighted that the provision of additional food (PMT) for children to avoid stunting was ineffective if it was given through the procurement of biscuits or milk alone.

Experts say that the most effective administration of PMT to prevent stunting is in the form of animal protein. This will have the best and most effective effect. Therefore, the budget for purchasing milk and biscuits now no longer exists," he said.

Dante asked all parties not to be wrong in responding to this policy. This is because the Ministry of Health has replaced it by providing a budget to buy or process animal protein foods, such as eggs, fish and chickens distributed through posyandu throughout the country.

"We do it together in all posyandu, so that no more funds are allocated for the provision of biscuits. But, directly to provide protein and it will revive the economy in the village as well," he said.

Dante assessed that in addition to being more useful for children's growth and development, foods that contain animal protein can also be developed by local residents. This can move the economy of an area, because demand will increase.

"Imagine if the eggs are bought in the village, there will be many breeders and laying in the village. So, it will have a good economic growth effect, including fish or chickens," he said.

On that occasion, Dante asked each party to understand that in some cases children who have already been stunted can be cured. However, this must go through an examination with pediatricians and other experts to take proper treatment at the hospital.

"Indeed, there is a percentage that can return to normal, but there are some children who have been stunted hard, this cannot be (healed) and it is very sad that they cannot return to normal," he said.

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