A total of 968 personnel were deployed to secure demonstrations at the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) and the Ministry of Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Central Jakarta on Monday, June 26. This demonstration was held by the Islamic Brotherhood Forum (FPI) which demanded the disbandment of the Al-Zaytun Islamic Boarding School and asked Panji Gumilang to be arrested. "A total of 9 SSK (968 personnel) were prepared to be active today," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Komarudin when confirmed, Monday, June 26. Kombes Komarudin explained that Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat which led to the office of the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs was implemented. "For Medan Merdeka Barat Street, it was temporarily diverted, while in the Ministry of Religion it was still situational," he said.
Furthermore, he appealed to the public to find alternative routes to avoid congestion due to expressing opinions. "For the masses who will express their opinions in public, they should be orderly and pay attention to the interests of the general public," he said. As is known, the demands of the action, FPI asked the government to revoke permits and permanently close the Al-Zaytun Islamic Boarding School because it had taught its students heretical ideology.
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