JAKARTA - West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil is preparing a relocation project for a number of Taiwanese companies from China to move to West Java. He received information that there are 70 thousand Taiwanese companies investing in China.

Furthermore, Ridwan Kamil said, of that number, half of them were reported to be moving to countries in the ASEAN region. This information, he got while visiting Taipei, some time ago.

"I am preparing village transmigration from China, namely from Taiwan. So I have to catch it. One of them is I prepare a petrochemical city in Balongan, Indramayu, where there are so many derivatives," he said, in the webinar event 'Accelerated Economic Recovery', Tuesday, 26 January.

For your information, Balongan is one of 13 new industrial cities to be built in the Rebana Metropolitan Area, West Java. He said that the cities will have their own colors from the investing country.

For example, said Ridwan, the Patimban area where the majority of investment is from Japan, the halal zone on RNI land which is attractive to investors from Abu Dhabi, and the Balongan area that is offered to Taiwanese investors.

"That's my way of managing so that there is no overly dominant investment imbalance and there is obedience and commitment but also approachable short-term implementation," he said.

According to Kang Emil, his nickname, based on his monitoring, currently the majority of investors entering West Java come from eastern Asia, for example China, Japan, and Singapore.

Furthermore, Emil assessed that currently there are still few investors from Europe, the United States, and the Middle East who are investing in West Java.

"Geopolitically, I always want to balance the ambassadors. So that nothing is too dominant so that the investment competition climate is not too unequal. We have done this, I have a map, which countries need to be approached," he said.

Ridwan Kamil said he had a strategy to attract investors from countries that had not invested much in Indonesia. He said, the way was by telling potential investors in West Java.

After that, said Ridwan, he will ensure the long-term commitment of these investors. Usually, these countries will ask about regulation and infrastructure readiness.

"I have also prepared club governance. So, those who are committed to support West Java, I give them personal access. So if you have a problem, you can contact me personally, I will go down directly. So that those who are truly obedient to long-term commitments and short-term execution," he said.

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