Minister of Religion who is also Chairman of Amirul Hajj Indonesia Yaqut Cholil Qoumas chaired the evaluation meeting for the preparation of the wuhkuf Hajj peak in Arafah, Muzdalifah, and Mina (Armuzna) regarding services, especially for the elderly pilgrims.

The Minister of Religion gave a small note and assessed that overall preparations ahead of the peak of the hajj had been running smoothly and well.

A number of these notes will be handled and maximized in a short time, one of which is related to the conditioning scheme for elderly pilgrims.

"We have several schemes for elderly pilgrims. For those who can afford it, we will assist them. Then those who do not have the ability, we will give a wifuf safari. If they are not strong for wusuf safaris, they will be badalkan," said the Minister of Religion, who is familiarly called Gus Men, as reported by ANTARA, Sunday, June 25.

The Minister of Religion appealed to the elderly pilgrims not to force themselves to the congregation and the Hajj officers would provide the elderly pilgrims.

"There is no need to force yourself. Of all worship, the main aspect is mental security. We will encourage the elderly congregation not to force themselves," said Gus Men.

Saudi Arabia's Hajj Organizing Officers (PPIH) have prepared all the best mechanisms for the elderly pilgrims.

Seeing the weather conditions and location and the denseness of Mina by the world pilgrims, Gus Men asked the elderly congregation not to force themselves when throwing their weapons.

Moreover, there are Indonesian pilgrims who occupy the matab in the Mina Jadid area. The location is quite far so it will drain the energy for the distance to go home.

Even though a golf cart has been prepared, it is not very recommended considering the health condition of many elderly pilgrims is at high risk.

The House of Representatives Supervisory Team (Timwas) led by the Chairman of Commission VIII, Ashabul Kahfi, during a meeting with the Minister of Religion and the ranks of the PPIH leadership, also paid attention and focused on preparing for the peak of the hajj.

"Regarding things that need to be anticipated, from the Minister's information, thank God 99 percent of all components of the wukuf implementation have been prepared," said Yahul.

Timwas appreciated the performance and preparation made by PPIH Saudi Arabia in terms of services to Indonesian pilgrims, especially the elderly. From arrival services, lodging, catering, to preparations at Armuzna so far are considered good.

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