JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya has arrested a gang of minimarket specialist robbers. This gang consisted of four people, three of whom are teenagers.

Those arrested included RJ (20), WAM (20), AG (19), and MFA (26). In addition, in this case the police also arrested a criminal with the initials MNU (19).

"A 20-years-old with initials RJ is the captain. He is the one who organizes the action," said the Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Grand Commissioner (Kombes) Yusri Yunus to reporters, Tuesday, January 26.

Based on the statement of the chairman of this gang, they have already operated 4 times. They took action in quiet minimarkets in the Tangerang to Bogor area.

Their last action was targeting a mini market in the Ciputat area, South Tangerang. In fact, their actions that were recorded on CCTV cameras went viral on social media.

In their action, they broke into the safe on the second floor of the minimarket. The executors with the initials RJ and WAM used sharp weapons, i.e., sickles, to intimidate mini market employees.

"When the minimarket was about to close, they entered while the employees were mopping because they were preparing to close. The one who entered first was RJ and WAM, then they pointed the sickle, then his friends MFA and AG followed," said Yusri.

Meanwhile, MFA and AG used a toy gun to threaten minimarket employees. In this robbery, they were tasked with waiting under the minimarket to monitor the situation.

Meanwhile, their robbery was successful. They took IDR 37 million. Then they immediately fled.

"From this IDR 37 million, each of them gets IDR 11 million, while the others are IDR 3 million. Then the one who receives cellphone (MNU) only gets IDR 150 thousand," he said.

Even though they have arrested the perpetrators, the police are still investigating this case. Meanwhile, in this case, the suspects were charged under Article 365 of the Criminal Code with the threat of 12 years in prison.

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