SUKABUMI - Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) I of the Commitment Making Officer Work Unit (Satker PPK) 2.3 of the II National Road Implementation (PJN) of West Java Province has widened the bridge on the border of Sukabumi Regency, West Java with Banten.

"This road widening is precisely in Pasirbaru Village, Cisolok District, Sukabumi Regency which connects with Cibareno Village, Cilograng District, Lebak Regency," said PPK Field Coordinator 2.3 PJN Region II West Java Ministry of PUPR Dedi Mulyadi as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, June 21.

According to Dedi, this bridge widening activity will begin in mid-April 2023 and for a construction contract for 15 months or is targeted for completion in July 2024.

This widening is a replacement for the old bridge with a new one where the old bridge is only five meters wide and for the new to 11 meters.

It is hoped that the wider the bridge can increase the quality of service and of course to prevent the accumulation of vehicles.

Moreover, as is known, the existence of this bridge is quite crucial, which serves to facilitate various community activities ranging from education to the economy. Therefore, support from all parties is needed by his party so that the construction of this bridge can be completed and operationalized immediately.

At the initial stage of this work, his party was only limited to dismantling around and the bridge itself, in preparation to build a bridge buffer.

"Until now, we have not engineered the traffic flow itself, because vehicles, especially those in Cibareno, can still pass, because the bridge can still be used," he added.

On the other hand, Dedi said that in 2023 in the West Java II region there will be nine bridges that will be widened or replaced in accordance with the Indonesian National Standard (SNI), namely 11 meters wide and activities have started to run gradually.

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