DENPASAR - Regional Office of the Bali Directorate General of Taxes (Kanwil DJP Bali) through eight local Tax Service offices blocked simultaneously 91 tax arrears accounts with a total arrears value of Rp71 billion.

Head of the Bali DGT Regional Office, Nurbaeti Munawaroh, said blocking tax arrears accounts simultaneously was a legal act by the DGT.

According to him, this step is protected by law and its implementation procedures based on Minister of Finance Regulation Number 189/PMK.03/2020 concerning Procedures for Implementing Tax Collection on Tax Amounts Still To Be Paid.

"In accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number 189/PMK.03/2020 Article 1 point 26, blocking is an act of securing goods belonging to tax arrears with the aim that there is no change in the goods in question," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, June 20.

Nurbaeti explained that the blocking was actually part of confiscation activities. Confiscation is the act of the State Tax Confiscation Officer to control the property of the tax person to be used as collateral to pay off tax debts according to the legislation.

"The blocking of taxpayers' assets stored in the Financial Services Institution (LJK), one of which includes bank accounts, is the first step for the State Tax Confiscation Officer in a series of tax law enforcement processes," he said.

Before arriving at the stage of blocking the account, the taxpayer has begun with the submission of a notification of a Reprimand Letter, submission of a Paksa Letter, and other active collection actions.

In addition, persuasive steps have been taken so that taxpayers immediately pay off their tax arrears, either by displacing or submitting an application to postpone tax payments in accordance with statutory provisions.

The revocation of the blocking can only be done if the taxpayer has paid off the tax debt and collection fees. If the taxpayer does not pay off his tax debt, the Tax Service Office will follow up with a request for a transfer from the account of the tax person to the state treasury account.

"We hope that this account blocking activity can provide a deterrent effect for non-cooperative tax arrears and become an example for other taxpayers to always comply with applicable laws and regulations in fulfilling their tax rights and obligations," said Nurbaeti.

Taxpayers who have tax debts are advised to immediately pay off tax debts so that taxpayers avoid blocking accounts.

Nurbaeti emphasized that the Bali DGT Regional Office is always committed to achieving optimal tax revenues for the realization of the nation's economic recovery.

For this reason, the taxpayer is reminded to carry out his tax obligations by calculating and paying the amount of tax owed to the state treasury in accordance with the provisions of the tax laws and regulations.

Nurbaeti reminded President Joko Widodo that he had issued a regulation regarding the inclusion of Population Identification Numbers (NIK) and Taxpayer Identification Numbers (NPWP) in public services.

The regulation is contained in Presidential Decree No. 83 of 2021 which was signed on September 9, 2021. The Presidential Decree explains that every public service recipient is asked to include a NIK and/or NPWP as a marker of the identity of the service recipient whose status is still active in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

For this reason, taxpayers are asked to immediately match the NIK and NPWP through the available DGT electronic channels or can visit the nearest tax office.

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