The woman with the initials Re was secured at a hotel in Pangkalpinang for allegedly being the perpetrator of trafficking in persons. She was arrested by the Bangka Belitung Islands Police's Trafficking Crime Task Force (TPPO) Team on Friday, June 16 in the morning WIB.

The Head of Public Relations of the Babel Police, AKBP Jojo Sutarjo, said the perpetrators made their victims commercial sex workers.

"We arrested the perpetrator on Friday (June 16) in the early hours of the morning for allegedly committing TIP by making the victim a commercial sex worker. The role of the perpetrator is pimping," said Jojo Sutarjo, in Pangkalpinang, Saturday, June 17.

The disclosure of this case began with public information regarding the alleged TIP that often occurs at a hotel in Pangkalpinang City.

Following up on this information, the TIP Task Force Team immediately moved quickly to investigate the location shown by residents and managed to secure the alleged perpetrator.

In this case, he said, the perpetrator deliberately recruited women by giving rewards in the form of money obtained from the results of serving sexual needs or sexual exploitation.

After being arrested, he said, the perpetrator and the victim were then taken to the Babel Police Headquarters for further investigation and currently the perpetrator has been named a suspect.

Meanwhile, for the evidence that was secured by the Babel Police TIP Task Force Team, namely cash from the transaction amounted to Rp3.1 million, a pack of contraceptives, a car, and five cell phones.

"This suspect will be charged with Article 2 Paragraph (1) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 21 of 2007 or Article 296 of the Criminal Code Subsidiary Article 506 of the Criminal Code," said Jojo.

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