Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini revealed that the distribution of social assistance (bansos) was wrong because many data on recipients of the program were invalid.
"There are many cases in the community where the head of the RW or village head was ganged up by residents because he did not register his name," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, June 13.
He revealed that there are many individuals who want to receive social assistance even though they are classified as capable.
In addition, he said, many residents who should have become beneficiaries did not receive any assistance at all due to the misuse of their names.
"Finally we had to perform (excluding, ed.) 5.8 million candidates for social assistance recipients who did not meet the criteria," said the former Surabaya Mayor.
He said the data collection system for social assistance recipients had been in accordance with Law no. 13 of 2011 concerning Handling the Poor.
Risma explained that in the law, it was written that the process of submitting data on prospective social assistance beneficiaries starting from the regional head, was forwarded to the governor, and ended up in the minister in the form of ratification.
"If it's correct from below, the center shouldn't have to go down directly," he said.
He hopes that with the ISO certificate related to the Ministry of Social data security management system, efforts to assess prospective beneficiaries can be made easier.
In addition, verification can be carried out in a more complete manner by verifying each beneficiary candidate according to the NIK, KK number, even up to the employment and membership number of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan to ensure that potential beneficiaries do not come from groups that have permanent jobs.
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