The Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda) of Cianjur Regency, West Java, is intensifying socialization to remote areas of Cianjur, in order to suppress cases of the Crime of Trafficking in Persons (TPPO) targeting residents who are interested in working abroad.

Cianjur Police Chief, AKBP Aszhari Kurniawan said his party had held a meeting with leadership elements in Cianjur including related agencies and institutions to reduce the number of migrant workers departing without procedures or illegal.

"We together with Forkopimda, related agencies and institutions agreed to hold socialization to remote areas to provide an illustration for residents who are interested in working abroad who have to take an official route, so they don't get into trouble in the future," Aszhari said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, June 12.

It was recorded that over the past week, his party arrested three TIP perpetrators with the lure of prospective migrant workers who were comfortable with a salary of more than Rp. 10 million per month, so those who were tempted to depart with tourist documents or illegal.

After being in the country of placement, most asked to be sent back to Cianjur because the workplace or employer did not meet expectations and often received harsh and inhumane treatment, but they struggled to return home because of various things including their employer's passport.

"So it is necessary to take preventive measures, including collaborating with the Cianjur Regency Government and related agencies to socialize how to safely and comfortably depart as migrant workers and avoid irresponsible departures," he said.

Including warnings when departing without complete documents, it is not included in state or government data, so that after working abroad it is not monitored or cannot be known whether its whereabouts and circumstances are contained by the government.

The head of Astakira Renewal Cianjur Regency, Ali Hildan, said he welcomed the socialization carried out by Forkopimda Cianjur to suppress the illegal or non-procedural departure of migrant workers because so far more than 100 Cianjur residents have been dispatched every month.

"We are ready to help the government, including law enforcement officials, to eradicate TIP perpetrators under the guise of overseas workforce departure agents. Currently, the presence of the state is very much needed to suppress the departure of illegal migrant workers who are still rampant in Cianjur," he said.

Ali said the TIP was an international crime, so it not only eradicated the perpetrators but also had to be given the protection and rights side because cases of migrant workers appeared after they worked in people's countries even though they left officially or illegally.

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