New Facts Revealed When Police Hold Reconstruction Of Disclosure Of Tangerang-Semarang Ecstasy Factory
A luxury house in Tangerang that is used as a lab or ecstasy factory/ Photo: IST

TANGERANG There were at least 104 scenes in the reconstruction of the disclosure of ecstasy factories in luxury homes in Tangerang and Semarang regencies, Central Java.

Head of the Public Information Bureau (Karopenmas) of the National Police's Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, said that in the reconstruction there were 68 scenes in Tangerang Regency and 36 in Semarang, Central Java.

"For the Semarang TKP, there are 36 scenes, just ended. So everything is 68 and 36, a total of 104 scenes are carried out smoothly," Ahmad told reporters at Pasar Kemis, Tangerang Regency, Monday, June 12.

Head of Sub-Directorate I Narcotics Bareskrim Polri Kombes, Jean Calvin Simanjuntak said that during the reconstruction, his party found 10 new facts in the case of the international network narcotics production lab practice.

"We found from this reconstruction, there are 6 new facts found at the Tangerang TKP, and 4 new facts in Semarang," he said.

Jean said the six new facts in Tangerang Regency were related to the role of the suspect, DN who controlled it from the location of the house to the receipt of the ecstasy press.

"Fakta selanjutnya, tersangka yang ada di Semarang sempat membijak tersangka yang ada di Tangerang bagaimana memproduksi dengan menggunakan mesin itu. Mereka berkomunikasi saling," ucapnya.

"Then the fifth fact is that the suspect in Tangerang had sent a package to the Semarang TKP, which contained the production of an ecstasy tablet," he continued.

In addition to the next fact, there are packages on their way even though both locations have been raided.

"Tangerang is very interesting because the activities at each ectation factory will continue so that when the police arrested 7 packet shipments for 11 days in Tangerang. 11 times the package was sent from raw materials supporting the manufacture of ecstasy, printing machines. At the time of the arrest and raid at this crime scene, another package was sent. So this package is for the manufacture of this ecstasy production, it is sustainable," he concluded.

Recalling, the Directorate of Narcotics Crime, Bareskrim Polri, uncovered the practice of producing international network ecstasy at the Lab Factory in the Lavon Swan City Cluster Housing area of Escanta 2 Kawaron Girang, Sindang Jaya District, Tangerang Regency.

The Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Komjen Pol Agus Adriansyah, said that four perpetrators were arrested. They are a network in purchasing raw materials and producing ecstasy.

"For the total number of suspects who were arrested, there were four people, with the initials TH, N, MR and ARD," said Agus

From the disclosure of the case, various types of evidence were successfully secured, namely, 11 large packs, each containing ecstasy with a total of 25,000 ecstasy pills, 2 plastic clips, each containing a suspected ecstasy capsule with a total of 1,000 pills and 8 plastic clips of ecstasy with a total of 1,380 ecstasy pills.

Then, there are also ecstasy raw materials such as citrusium powder, MDT, magnesium white powder and pentylone powder with a total weight of 46,250 grams, 1 liter methamphetamine, precursors such as methanol 3 liters, caffeine capsule 200 capsules, 1 tablet printing machine unit, various kinds of LAB clans equipment and communication tools.

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