Commission III Of The House Of Representatives Asks The Ministry Of Law And Human Rights To Take Firm Action On Alleged Drug Bunkers At Makassar Campus
South Sulawesi Police Chief Inspector General Pol Setyo Boedi Moempoeni (center) together with the ranks released the disclosure of cases and the destruction of evidence of narcotics capture. (photo: dock. intermediate)

JAKARTA - Member of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Andi Rio Idris Padjalangi, emphasized the need for firm action from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) regarding the alleged discovery of a drug bunker at a campus in Makassar, South Sulawesi.

Andi Rio expressed his concern that the drug bunker in the campus may be a network originating from prisons (prisons) in the South Sulawesi region. According to him, this shows that prisons have not provided a sufficient deterrent effect on drug offenders.

"The Ministry of Law and Human Rights must be responsible for this. They must give severe sanctions and firm attitudes to the ranks of those involved. We must not allow the image of the prison to be a safe and comfortable place for drug dealers to control and spread drugs from within the prison," said Andi Rio, in a written statement received in Jakarta on Saturday, June 10.

Andi Rio admitted that he was concerned about the findings made by the South Sulawesi Regional Police. For him, this is proof that drug networks cannot be tolerated. He stressed that this action is a serious effort to damage the generation of the Indonesian nation.

Therefore, Andi Rio encouraged the Ministry of Law and Human Rights and the campus to cooperate with the police in uncovering and resolving this case. He also emphasized the need for transparency and accountability in handling this case.

"The case of drug control from within the prison is nothing new. This is a long-standing problem. The South Sulawesi Police must reveal the motive behind this and investigate who is involved in drug trafficking in the campus environment," said Andi Rio.

Previously, the South Sulawesi Regional Police's Narcotics Investigation Directorate had revealed the existence of a drug storage bunker at a well-known campus in Makassar City. In the discovery, a safe was found which was used to store evidence and carry out drug transactions.

Kombes Pol Dodi Rahmawan, Director of Drug Investigation at the South Sulawesi Police, explained that the number of drugs that had been circulating from the bunker reached three kilograms.

The South Sulawesi Provincial National Narcotics Agency (BNNP) is also involved in an investigation into the alleged discovery of this drug bunker. The head of the South Sulawesi BNNP, Brigadier General of Police Ghiri Prawijaya, revealed that his party was conducting an investigation with the South Sulawesi Regional Police to further uncover this case.

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