JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno plans to have an office in Bali. This is done to see and recover stretching in one of these tourism destinations.

"Having offices in Bali at least once a month a few days. This is the correct office, yes, not a visit but an office," Sandiaga said in a written statement to reporters quoted on Saturday, January 24.

The former Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta also said that his office in Bali was also an effort to avoid reports of 'as long as you are happy' or often referred to as the ABS culture of his subordinates.

"I really enjoy it when we hear directly without any reports from the Ministry of Tourism staff who are 'as long as you are happy'. My experience in government sometimes reports, 'good sir, good sir', but when I asked it it wasn't like that," he stressed.

Furthermore, currently the tourism sector has been worst affected by the pandemic that has occurred since 2020. One of them is the tourism sector in Bali.

In fact, he said, more than 80 percent of Balinese people who depend on this sector are grieving. They lose income due to closed access to the scarcity of tourists visiting the Island of the Gods.

Therefore, with an office in Bali, Sandi hopes to soon find a real solution so that tourism and business in Bali will soon rise again. In addition, he also said that by having an office in Bali, he could convey what he saw and felt to President Joko Widodo and Vice President Ma'ruf Amin, not just reports from subordinates.

However, it is not certain when the idea to be based in Bali will be realized. "We are trying to finalize this, so that our attention is 'seeing is believing'. If we only talk from Jakarta, we are not in Bali, we certainly will not have credibility," he concluded.

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