JAKARTA - Governor Ganjar Pranowo leads the coordination meeting on handling extreme poverty in Central Java. He ordered all regencies/cities in Central Java to report all interventions that have been carried out to accelerate the handling of extreme poverty.

"I ask that all existing interventions be collected so that we will be able to find out how quickly they can be resolved," said Ganjar after the coordination meeting in Central Java, Wednesday (7/6/2023).

Ganjar's quick steps are in line with President Joko Widodo's target. In the PDIP III National Working Meeting, Jokowi targets that there will be no more extreme poverty by 2024.

Ganjar also asked the provincial apparatus coordinating the P3KE intervention to immediately complete the factual verification of district verval results, so that factual data on intervention/assistance needs was obtained to formulate policies and settlement steps as well as the need for an intervention budget.

Ganjar asked the provinces and districts to coordinate the sources of P3KE intervention financing (APBN, Prov APBD, Regency APBD, APBDes, BUMN/D and other stakeholders), both those that have been realized/received assistance and are still planned/processes.

"The progress of PKE is still low, immediately intervenes in 2023 massively, by optimizing the APBN, APBD and APBDes as well as non-government financing sources (BUMN, BUMD, BAZNAS, UPZ, CSR)," he said.

On that occasion, Ganjar also asked the province to validate the potential intervention/assistance from existing financing sources. In addition, validate the factual data on needs that have not yet received intervention/assistance.

"Then, report the results of the BNBA (tagging) intervention to SIKS-DJ," said Ganjar.

Ganjar added that the district should establish a priority PKE Secretariat, then hold regular and periodic coordination meetings on the development of PKE interventions in the Regency, and report it to the Central Java Provincial Government.

On the other hand, Ganjar conveyed several basic reasons related to the low achievement of handling extreme poverty. First, the limited government budget for PKE because during planning is not based on PKE,

"So we are waiting for the APBD changes that are usually carried out in September-October," said Ganjar.

Second, the provincial SKPD (unless KaDisperakim) has not maximally coordinated and accelerated in the field. Finally, the difference in data in the ministry causes intervention cannot be carried out, for example 15,000 electric connections cannot be intervened with APBN subsidy funds from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources because the target data is not the same as the Ministry of Social Affairs.

More than that, Ganjar emphasized that he would mobilize all available resources to maximize efforts to eliminate extreme poverty in Central Java.

"Anyway, we calculate the target until the end of the year, how much is the optimal energy we can provide, how much is the projected results that we can handle, so how much is our debt in 2024," said Ganjar.

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