Central Jakarta Metro Police destroyed narcotics of methamphetamine, ecstasy and marijuana worth Rp. 7 billion, evidence from 8 big drug dealers and couriers, RS, MA, MSP, RF, DMD, JN, AF and OR.

Evidence of methamphetamine, which was confiscated as many as 7 plastic packages weighing 3,535.3 grams, 5 packages of ecstasy plastic with a pink cat leg logo with a total of 4,988 pills weighing 1,917.6 grams, and marijuana around 62.4 kilograms.

The destruction of ecstasy and marijuana was carried out by blending at the Central Jakarta Metro Police Headquarters yard on Tuesday, June 6, afternoon. Meanwhile, the destruction of methamphetamine was carried out using an incinerator machine at Gatot Subroto Army Hospital, Central Jakarta.

"The perpetrators used a pattern of decoupling with someone, so there was a controller. We are still investigating and making it a DPO. We destroyed a total of IDR 7 billion of evidence," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Komarudin to reporters, Tuesday, June 6.

Kombes Komarudin appealed to the public that drug trafficking that has touched various levels of society is no longer looking at social strata.

"We have to be aware, especially in Central Jakarta. Of the many suspects, they have their own network. Usually the cannabis network itself. But what often joins their methamphetamine and ecstasy is from different networks," he said.

The suspects are included in the Sumatra and foreign networks. And they were charged with Article 114 paragraph 2 Sub-Article 112 paragraph 2 Jo Article 132 paragraph 1 UURI No. 35 of 2009.

"The suspects face the death penalty or life imprisonment," he said.

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