JAKARTA - The chairman of the PDI-P (PDIP) DPP Puan Maharani did not want to give rise to the assumption that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) was interfering or causing trouble in the 2024 presidential election. This reason made him not much comment about the full support of the head of state for Ganjar Pranowo's presidential candidate (candidate).

This was conveyed by Puan when asked about President Jokowi's firmness in supporting Ganjar. This question arose after the former Governor of DKI Jakarta was considered to prefer other presidential candidates.

"I also can't claim or say for sure, for sure, for sure. Later it will be considered that the president is too interventional or excessive," Puan told reporters at the PDIP Party School, Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta, Tuesday, June 6.

Puan actually threw back the assessment to the public. He said, there are many things that can be seen, for example, Jokowi was present at the opening of the PDIP III National Working Meeting (Rakernas) to provide an overview of what has been done over the past 10 years.

"And hope that what he has implemented can be continued by the PDI-P and its upcoming PDI-P president, God willing, amen," said Puan.

"So go ahead and digest yourself. What do you think if you are rich, the hope is," continued the chairman of the DPR.

He believes that the presence of President Jokowi can increase the spirit of PDIP and Ganjar to continue the development that has been carried out by the current government.

"We are optimistic that what has been implemented we will continue together with the PDI-P and presidential candidates from the PDI-P, which God willing, God willing, we can become the next president," he said.

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