JAKARTA - The head of the Serdang Bedagai Social Service, North Sumatra (North Sumatra) with the initials I was arrested for a bribery operation (OTT).

The Kadis Sosial (Kadis Sosial) hand-arrest operation was carried out by the Serdang Bedagai (Sergai) Police team, Friday, January 22. It is suspected that the Head of Social Affairs was involved in a bribery case.

"I only confirmed that the OTT incident took place," said the Head of the North Sumatra Regional Police, AKBP MP Nainggolan, confirmed by VOI, Friday, January 22.

The Sergai Police, according to AKBP Nainggolan, has already conducted a case title. The Kadis Sosial OTT case was upgraded to the investigation stage.

"From the title case, the investigation will be increased," he said.

When asked about the alleged bribery case that ensnared the Head of the Sergai Social Service, AKBP Nainggolan emphasized that the case was handled by the Sergai Police.

"Everything is done by the Sergai Police. Tomorrow the Police Chief will hold a press conference, ”said Nainggolan.

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