BOGOR - The Department of Transportation (Dishub) of Bogor Regency, West Java, announced that the logo of the institution has been painted by illegal parking managers in the Puncak area.

"I make sure it doesn't come from Dishub employees. I have never ordered or issued a warrant (SP) to assign, carry out collections at that location," said Head of the Task Force (UPT) of the Bogor Regency Transportation Agency Region III Ciawi Iwan Sugito Sudirdjo as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, June 1.

He emphasized that his staff had never issued a parking deposit receipt with the Bogor Regency Transportation Agency logo in the Puncak Area Rest Area.

The announcement he made relates to circulating information about the findings of a receipt bearing the Bogor Regency Transportation Agency logo, with indications that the illegal parking attendant in the Puncak area deposited a sum of money to local Transportation Agency officials.

Iwan explained that his party has standard operating procedures (SOP) as stated in Bogor Regent Regulation Number 32 of 2021 concerning the implementation of motor vehicle parking by local governments.

"Then for the Diahub parking retribution in collaboration with third parties. So the retribution income by third parties was immediately deposited through Bank BRI to the Regional Treasury, we only know how much was deposited," said Ivan.

He said the receipts that had been circulating were written by UPT Perhubungan Wilayah II Ciawi, while now UPT Perhubungan Ciawi is Region III because UPT Region II is Cileungsi.

"Rest area is indeed a source of retribution income, however there are rules that cannot be arbitrary. Therefore, it cannot be arbitrary to withdraw fees, there must be a study first, so it is not wrong," he explained.

Iwan emphasized that his party will tighten supervision and continue to evaluate its staff. His staff will also continue to socialize to the public, especially parking problems in the Ciawi UPT Transportation III area.

"We also ask the public to be proactive in reporting to us if there are similar problems, or find illegal parking fees," he said.

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