OKU - Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Ogan Komering Ulu Timur, South Sumatra stated that hail accompanied by strong winds damaged the houses of residents in Riang Village, Ilir, Madang Tribe II District. Many people are forced to sleep without a roof. "The hail that occurred last night at 18.30 WIB damaged the roof of a resident's house," said Head of BPBD OKU Timur Habibulah through the Head of Emergency and Logistics Budi in Martapura, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, May 30. He said strong winds accompanied by hail and lightning made the roof tiles of dozens of houses in Riang Village, Bandung, fly to the ground. In fact, due to the natural disaster, several trees fell on PLN's cable, causing the electricity in the area to completely shut down. Even so, the disaster did not cause any casualties, but dozens of heads of families in the local area were forced to repair the roofs of houses damaged by strong winds. According to Budi, currently his party has deployed personnel to the disaster site to help residents clean up material swept away by strong winds. Including the East OKU BPBD in coordination with PLN so that trees that hit the cable are immediately overcome so that the electricity in the area returns to normal. "Our personnel are still in the field to monitor the current situation in anticipation of further disasters," he said. He also asked the people in East OKU to continue to increase their vigilance in the face of further disasters considering that high rainfall intensity is predicted to continue for the next few days.
"The public must remain vigilant so that natural disasters do not cause casualties," he said.

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