JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government (Pemprov) is targeting the vaccination target of Kuku and Mouth Diseases (PMK) this year for livestock in this area as many as 5,310 doses.

"The target for PMK vaccination for livestock this year is 5,310 doses," said Head of the DKI Jakarta Food, Maritime and Agriculture Security Service Suharini Eliawati as reported by ANTARA, Friday, May 26.

Suharini said that PMK vaccination for livestock in DKI Jakarta had been carried out since 2022. Then, in 2023, 3,071 doses were continued.

"So that a total of 8,497 doses have been injected into cows, buffalo, goats and sheep in DKI Jakarta," said Suharini.

The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is also monitoring and monitoring livestock traffic in order to comply with procedures for animal traffic and animal products that are vulnerable to PMK.

Therefore, continued Suharini, the DKI Provincial Government invites the public, especially livestock businesses, to participate in efforts to strengthen the prevention of PMK.

"We invite all parties, especially livestock business actors, let's strengthen our defense by increasing vaccination coverage and implementing 'biosecurity' as the first defense in the prevention of PMK," explained Suharini.


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In addition, Suharini asked the suppliers of DKI Jakarta sacrificial animals to be able to choose a healthy sacrificial animal and have received PMK vaccinations in livestock areas.

"If you find indications of PMK symptoms, you can contact the local KPKP Sub-Department officers," he said.

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