PONOROGO - The government of Ponorogo Regency, East Java has begun mitigating to save residents who were victims due to being affected by cracked soil in Bekiring Village, Pulung District.
"Data collection has been carried out by the BPBD team and the Social Service. And for residents who are in risk areas, we will relocate them to a safer place and not be affected," said Ponorogo Regent Sugiri Sancoko, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, May 25.
Not only collecting data, the Ponorogo BPBD team has also mapped areas and cracked soil in Bekiring Village.
Meanwhile, the Social Service established a public kitchen, ensuring the availability of logistics and basic needs at two emergency evacuation posts, not far from the disaster site.
So far, 23 families have fled because their houses are in the red zone which is prone to landslides.
Of that number, one group consisting of 14 families came from inside the crack area while the other nine families were under the crack area.
"We have to relocate 14 families plus nine families below it," said Sugiri.
Sugiri admitted that he was quite worried that if there was a decrease in soil conditions, his condition would be very unstable when it rained.
Cracks that were previously dry will be filled with water, where if they have reached the saturation point it will trigger downward movement by including soil material in the upper layer, landslides can occur.
Especially now that the first cracks occurred on March 30 have formed a horseshoe.
"Because currently the cracks are in the form of horseshoes, the 9 families are very dangerous even though the current impact has not been felt," he said.
Currently, residents who are at the location of the cracks and below have taken refuge in emergency tents built by BPBD.
In addition, his party also ordered the Social Service to meet basic needs for refugees such as eating, clean water and blankets.
"Yes, we have ordered to fulfill basic needs. Even though it is not feasible if you live a long life in refugee camps," he said.
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