The Special Staff of the Vice President, Imam Aziz, said that the way Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo resolved the conflict due to the National Strategic Project (PSN) deserves to be duplicated and become a national pattern. According to him, Ganjar succeeded in realizing the synergy between the government and the people. What Ganjar did could be a prototype of development in the future. This statement was conveyed by Imam in the Forum Group Discussion with the theme Optimization of Cooperatives for Poverty Reduction at Manohara Hotel, Magelang, Thursday, May 25. The event was attended by representatives of the people of Magelang and Purworejo, the Magelang MSME Service, Kesbangpolinmas and universities... This is a success, an example of how the government and society had intense dialogue, thus producing something that in the ending was very good, "said Imam.

Imam's statement refers to the formation of the Tirto Cooperative Mulyo Bogowonto which was managed by residents affected by the Bener Dam construction. Instead of the ongoing conflict, residents affected by PSN can still manage land through cooperatives and BUMDes, even being involved in the Bener Dam greenbelt project. According to him, the pattern of Green Belt management carried out by Ganjar Pranowo, the Serayu-Opak River Basin Center (BBWS-SO), together with the Wonosobo community, is the first and only one in Indonesia. The community is involved in the management of the land for the national strategic project that has been acquired.

"Well, this doesn't exist in Indonesia, it hasn't ever existed. Therefore, we are trying to intensively assist so that this becomes a national pattern. This is Pak Ganjar's achievement, "he said. Imam assesses that Ganjar's efforts and methods can be applied in every ongoing PSN work. So that it can also have an impact on poverty reduction. This we don't have to change the economic system as a whole, but from small as this there will be significant changes. This must be a national pattern, this is a success that can be duplicated, applied in other national projects," he explained. Ganjar on that occasion said that cooperatives and MSMEs play a significant role in tackling poverty. Moreover, in Central Java there are many policies and programs that can be utilized. We have quite a lot of programs, access to capital is there, the interest rate is low, the assistance is there, the off take-off of local governments," he said. Therefore, Ganjar sees the opportunity and resources can be utilized by residents affected by PSN so that they can still enjoy and manage the land, even though they have been taken over for development. "In Wadas there is one cooperative formed to accommodate those who can be called victims' language, they can participate," he said.

The two-term Central Java governor said that the resolution of the PSN conflict in Wadas was not the first to be carried out. The concept had previously been applied to the problems of Semen Rembang and PLTU Batang. "So when they were able to compensate, they had businesses, the lands around them could be jointly managed. So community participation emerged," he said. Ganjar said, that way the assumption of affected residents is no longer a victim. Because they participated and were involved in PSN's work from the start. In fact, they can manage the land and get economic benefits again after that.. "In that way, the role of cooperative institutions can be useful in national strategic projects, we can reduce the potential of conflict, the economic results can be higher. The community will get better skills and benefits because we are involved, the government is involved, the CSR is involved or they are involved in the national strategic project so that everything is maintained, the benefits arise, institutions and cooperatives can run," said Ganjar Pranowo.

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