Murdering Suspect In Makassar Married At The Panakkukang Police
The young man who was suspected of being the perpetrator of the beatings in Makassar City, Wahyudi (19) married at the Panakkukang Police (DOK. Police)

MAKASSAR - The young man who was suspected of being beaten up in Makassar City, Wahyudi (19) married his girlfriend. The marriage contract was held at the Panakkukang Police Headquarters, Makassar.

"Wahyudi is one of the perpetrators of the beatings, there is no verdict yet," said Panakkukang Police Reskrim 2, Ipda Abdul Rahman, to reporters, Thursday, January 21.

Wahyudi became a suspect along with four of his colleagues in the beatings and thefts in front of the Panaikang Public Cemetery (TPU), Jalan Urip Sumoharjo, Panakkukang, on 19 December 2020.

"There are 5 people who were secured and one of them is currently married," he continued.

The suspect, Wahyudi, admitted that he had planned his wedding long before he was involved in the muggings case. Wahyudi and his girlfriend have been in a relationship since high school.

"When my vocational school was dating, thank God I was able to get married at the police station, I am grateful," said Wahyudi, wearing a plain shirt for his wedding.

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