JAKARTA - A young man with the initials A (23) died covered in blood in front of a resident's rented house, Jalan Lapangan Tenis, Srengseng, Kembangan District, West Jakarta. The incident occurred on Tuesday, May 23, in the early hours of the morning. The Head of the Kembangan Police, Kompol Ubaidillah, said that the incident of persecution that caused the victim to die occurred after a one-on-one fight. "So this victim was the one who prevented the perpetrator from using a sharp weapon, then fought with sharp weapons. So they slashed each other, the perpetrators were also injured," said Kompol Ubaidillah, Tuesday, May 23. The fight like a sickle occurred at 2 o'clock Tuesday morning. The cause of the two fought was a trivial matter that claimed lives.
"The motive was offended, the victim was offended by what the perpetrator said. The victim and the perpetrator were both hanging out with each other," he said. Between the victim and the perpetrator, they both know each other. In fact, the perpetrator and the victim are recidivist. "They know each other, hang out together. The victim and the perpetrator have been detained in criminal cases, both recidivists. We have arrested the perpetrators, currently they are still being investigated," he said.
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