JAKARTA - Sule's eldest son, Rizky Febian is now waiting for the presence of his first child with Mahalini. Knowing this, Sule admitted that he did not give special advice to his child. He felt that his son was mature enough so he shouldn't always be taught. Especially in an age that is rich in information at this time. "(Wejangan) doesn't exist, the children already know what they are doing. I must have known, especially today," said Sule in the Jagakarsa area, South Jakarta, Tuesday, January 7. Sule is also sure that Rizky Febian and Mahalini will be good parents for their children. "(Rizky Febian) already knows what good parents are like, how to respect parents," he continued.
Asked about the readiness to welcome his first grandson, Sule admitted that there was no special preparation. He felt that his son had to be prepared. "(Preparation) a lot. Grandpa just needs to welcome the baby when he comes," he said. Previously, Rizky Febian and Mahalini had carried out the process of 7 months of pregnancy. This event was held lively by carrying the Sundanese custom.
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