When he was about to dredge up trash, an officer from the West Jakarta Environmental Sub-dept. (Sudin) found the body of a baby boy at the Secretary's River, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta, Monday, at 08.00 WIB.
"So, when the officers wanted to dredge up the garbage, someone was involved. They thought they were dolls. When approached, it turned out that they could only be identified that it was the body of a baby that had been surrounded by flies," said West Jakarta Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) officer, Herman, Monday, March 22.
Herman also explained that his party received a report on the discovery of the baby's body at 08.50 WIB.
"After receiving the report, I finally went straight to the location," said Herman.
Herman explained that the baby's body when found was in a state without a cloth or clothes.
"It's been about three to four days since the baby died," he said.
Herman said his party immediately contacted the ambulance and local police officers. Meanwhile, the body was taken to the Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital (RSUP).
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