JAKARTA - The Indonesian Political Indicators survey institute released the latest survey results by placing Ganjar Pranowo in the top position in the simulation of 19 names for the 2024 presidential election.

Executive Director of Political Indicators, Burhanuddin Muhtadi said respondents were presented the names of 19 figures in an alphabetical manner with the question that if the current presidential election, who would be elected as president would be.

As a result, Ganjar's electability in the simulation reached 29.3 percent. Meanwhile, competitors such as Prabowo Subianto were 24.2 percent, and Anies Baswedan was 15 percent.

"In the simulation 19 names that we beat the alphabet, and the result was 29 percent," said Burhanuddin in a virtual release, Thursday, May 18.

Burhanuddin said other figures in the simulation were known to have below 5 percent electability. Respondents who have not answered by 12 percent.

Furthermore, Burhanuddin said the trend of support for Ganjar was rebounded after the declaration of the PDI-P and PPP presidential candidates.

"There is a rebound that is quite aggregate from 19.8 percent to 29.3 percent," he said.

The Indonesian Political Indicators Survey was held from April 30 to May 5, 2023. Interviews with respondents were conducted by telephone.

Respondents interviewed with RDD techniques were 1,200 respondents. Respondents in the survey are Indonesian citizens who are 17 years old and have a phone/cellphone.

The survey margin of error is estimated at approximately 2.9 percent with a confidence level of 95 percent of the simple random sampling assumption.

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