JAKARTA - The man with the initials RIS (42), an odong-odong driver, was forced to deal with the Kalideres Police on Sunday, May 14. He was arrested for having sex with a teenage girl in a rented house, Semanan area, Kalideres, West Jakarta. RIS' lecherous action was carried out until the victim with the initials NN (17) became pregnant for 3 months.
"The perpetrator has committed immoral acts against the victim 4 times since January 2023 until the victim is 3 months pregnant," said Kalideres Police Chief AKP Syafri Wasdar when confirmed, Sunday, May 14.
According to the perpetrator's statement, the perpetrator had been married three times and divorced during his life. RIS and NN got acquainted in the perpetrator's odong-odong vehicle. At that time, the victim, who was still a teenager, was riding an odong-odong vehicle that the perpetrator was carrying.
Because the victim looks beautiful, the perpetrator seduces and gets acquainted with the victim. Over time, the perpetrator and the victim had often communicated via cellphone until the perpetrator took the victim to the rented house he was in.
Arriving at the rented house, the perpetrator then invited him to have sex with the victim. The victim refused, but the perpetrator continued to force her to have sex with the victim by holding the perpetrator's hand so that the victim did not scream.
"The victim has been sexually assaulted by the perpetrator 4 times until now the victim is pregnant," he said.
Meanwhile, the victim's parents reported the case to the Kalideres Police. After receiving the report, the police immediately moved to find and secure the perpetrator.
Furthermore, RIS, a man from Pekalongan, Central Java, was arrested in his rented house. In order to be held accountable for his actions, RIS perpetrators were charged with Article 76D in conjunction with Article 81 paragraphs 1 and 2 and or Article 76E in conjunction with Article 82 paragraph 1 UURI No. 17 of 2016 concerning the second amendment to Law No. 23 of 2002 concerning child protection with a minimum penalty of 5 years in prison and a maximum of 15 years in prison plus castration and a fine of 5 billion rupiah.
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