BEKASI - Deputy Minister of Manpower Afriansyah Noor asked the company to fire a rogue boss with the initials B who was suspected of being the perpetrator of a date invitation to female employees with the condition that he extend his work contract.
This was said by Wamenaker Afriansyah Noor after inspecting PT Kao Indonesia regarding the alleged case of inviting stationation to his female employees if the work contract was to be extended.
"Earlier, it was told that PT KAO had asked PT Ikeda to temporarily suspend the problematic manager while the law was running. I have also called the police chief directly to provide or follow up on the findings or reports of victims," Wamenaker said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, May 11.
"The police chief promised to follow up by summoning all parties, victim witnesses and others, including those reported," continued Afriansyah.
As is known, the victim of thestaycationAD (24) case is a power transfer employee of PT Ikeda who works at PT Kao Indonesia. Meanwhile, the alleged perpetrator, B, is known to be the manager of PT Ikeda.
Afriansyah praised the company's move for the rogue manager to be dismissed. However, he regretted the weakness of the monitoring mechanism so that the alleged harassment could occur.
He also asked the company to provide moral support to AD as the victim of this alleged case. This was conveyed because since this case was revealed, there has been no form of attention from the company to the victim.
Although the victim came from a work distribution company, the victim's staff was used in the company that produces this beauty product.
"Even though it is PT Kao who employs people, even though it is through outsourching, let it be balanced with the story, I ask the management or HRD manager to call the Army to get the correct information. Indeed, it must also be cross-checked to prevent errors," he said.
Before carrying out the inspection, Afriansyah first met the AD victim at the Police Complaint Post for Violence and Harassment of Female Workers at the Nyumarno Legal Office, Central Cikarang. After hearing the victim's testimony firsthand, Afriansyah emphasized that the case against AD must be a lesson for other companies so that it does not happen again.
Meanwhile, representative of PT Kao Indonesia Nurbaeti said that his party followed Wamenaker's direction to take firm action against the perpetrators of harassment. It will also pay attention to AD as the victim.
"In accordance with Mr. Wamenaker's direction, we actually followed the progress of this case from the start. Then we asked anyone suspected to be deactivated according to the direction of the Deputy Minister. The Army is an outsourced employee who was recruited by PT Ikeda and placed at PT Kao in Cikarang. We have given instructions to Ikeda to resolve this issue," he said.
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