JAKARTA - UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Wednesday condemned the deaths of civilians in the Gaza Strip, Palestine, and called on all parties to "stop attacks immediately" and "maximum restraint".

"Israel must comply with its obligations under international humanitarian law, including the proportional use of force, and take all appropriate precautions to save civilians and civilian property in the course of military operations," said UN deputy spokesman Farhan Haq, citing National News, May 11.

Secretary General Guterres also condemned the indiscriminate launch of rockets from Gaza towards Israel, which "violated international humanitarian law, endangered Palestinian and Israeli civilians," Haq added.

Palestinian militants fired hundreds of rockets from Gaza into Israel on Wednesday, while Israel continued its pressure for a second day with a series of airstrikes that killed 21 Palestinians, including three senior Islamic Jihad commanders and at least 10 civilians.

The UN chief urged all parties concerned to immediately cease hostilities, reaffirming their commitment to support Palestine and Israel in resolving the conflict based on relevant UN resolutions, international law and bilateral agreements.

Meanwhile, the 15-member UN Security Council met behind closed doors on Wednesday to discuss the latest violence in Gaza.

This meeting was requested by the UAE, China, and France, which was later joined by Russia, to discuss the latest developments in the Gaza Strip.

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