JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson (Waka) of the DPR for People's Welfare (Korkesra) Abdul Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin asked the government and related parties to improve maintenance and supervision of infrastructure development in Indonesia, especially road infrastructure.

"Infrastructure development has been going well. What needs to be improved is maintenance and supervision, in my opinion, it is important to optimize this," said Cak Imin as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, May 8.

Cak Imin said the use of infrastructure supply would not run well if maintenance and supervision were not carried out optimally.

On that basis, Cak Imin considered that maintenance and supervision of infrastructure, especially roads, was important.

"So, of course, development must go hand in hand with maintenance and supervision," said Cak Imin.

He encouraged the government to increase the infrastructure quality test laboratory. In this case, Cak Imin said the government could cooperate with a number of practitioners in the field of civil engineering or related architecture and universities to optimize.

"We still lack having an infrastructure quality test laboratory, even though many of our human resources have graduated from Civil Infrastructure Engineering and Architecture Design, for example," he said.

According to him, the infrastructure quality test laboratory is the spearhead of quality as well as supervision of infrastructure work in Indonesia, especially road infrastructure.

Cak Imin added that the quality test laboratory is very vital in ensuring the quality of proper infrastructure development. Thus, he said, the infrastructure can last a long time, according to Indonesia's geographical character.

"So if every infrastructure development is tested first, I am sure that the quality of our infrastructure will be even better, guaranteed, and of course not damaged quickly," said Gus Imin.

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