JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) received a letter from a person named Mustofa who came from Lampung before the shooting incident at the MUI office on Tuesday afternoon. "The last letter we received was from 2022, basically there was someone named Mustofa from Lampung, asking the MUI chairman who represented the prophet's heir to unite the people," said MUI Fatwa Division Head Asrorun Ni'am Sholeh when met at the MUI Menteng Office, Central Jakarta, Antara, Tuesday, May 2. Ni'am is also not sure whether the person concerned who shot at the MUI office is true Mustofa. He also said that the written letter circulating on social media had not yet been verified or not, because the MUI did not recognize the perpetrators. "The claim has not been verified because let alone the letter, the person has not been recognized. From the results of the internal discussion, no one has recognized the shooter," said Ni'am. The letter shown by Ni'am was dated January 2, 2022, where a person named Mustofa who claimed to be from Lampung asked to meet with the chairman of the MUI and represent the Prophet Muhammad SAW to unite the people. It was recorded that the letter on behalf of Mustofa had been received by MUI six times until January 2022. Until now, there has been no confirmation from the police whether the letter is related to the shooting incident that happened to two MUI staff. "We continue to consolidate internally whether the (letter) is true or not, but I met with the secretariat, whether anyone recognizes it, whether there is or not, there is no confirmation yet," said Ni'am. He also said that there was no certainty whether the shooting incident was also related to the routine meeting agenda being held by the MUI. "We cannot speculate, we leave it entirely to the general apparatus to thoroughly investigate this case," he said.

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