SUMBAR - The City Government (Pemkot) of Padang, West Sumatra (West Sumatra), will impose sanctions on six state civil servants (ASN) who do not enter the office after the Eid Al-Fitr 1444 Hijri holiday.
Head of the Padang City Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency (BKPSDM), Arfian, said that ASN Padang City Government must enter the office and fill attendance during the sudden inspection (sidak) attendance.
The Padang City Government carried out inspections during the two working days of April 26-27, 2023. On the first day of entering the office, as many as six ASN were reported not to have entered the office, aka skipping work.
"A total of six ASNs were not present on the first day, their absence was without information," he said in Padang, West Sumatra, Thursday, April 27, as reported by Antara.
He said the six ASNs were immediately summoned and processed. "Of course, the six ASNs are processed according to applicable regulations," he added.
According to him, the six ASNs have been given time for Eid leave, but are still taking advantage of the holidays.
"We from BKPSDM will process those without the information," he said.
Meanwhile, for the presence of ASN on the second day of entering the office, Arfian admitted that he had not received a report on how many ASNs did not enter the office without information.
According to him, if ASN is still found to be skipping work, his party will process it according to the rules.
Previously, the Padang City Government would conduct sudden inspections (sidak) at all regional apparatus organizations (OPD) offices within the local government on the first day of work after the Eid holiday, Wednesday, April 26.
According to Arfian, this inspection activity is carried out routinely every year on the first day of ASN work after a long holiday to anticipate additional holidays by ASN.
Arfian added that the momentum of the month of Syawal is expected to be a trigger for ASN to work even better.
"ASN must set a good example so that services to the community can be better," he said.
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