JAKARTA - Member of the House of Representatives Commission III from the Democratic Faction, Hinca Panjaitan, confirmed that National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo would follow up on the Richard Mille case that Tony Sutrisno complained about. Hinca admitted that he had submitted the case to the National Police Chief during a working meeting at the DPR on April 13.

"Yesterday, I told you about the program and budget, but when it breaks, I will follow up," Hinca told reporters, Wednesday, April 26.

It is known that the case was a matter of fraud and extortion that befell Tony Sutrisno. In June 2021, Tony Sutrisno filed a case with the police with a loss of Rp77 billion due to fraud or embezzlement of Richard Mille's watches he bought.

Previously, Tony ordered the watch in 2019 with a pre-order system and paid in full and should have been received in 2021. However, until now Tony has not received the two watches and there is even no good faith from Richard Mille Jakarta.

After losing tens of billions due to the alleged missing watch in the jungle, the young entrepreneur complained his case to the police. Instead of being handled, Tony was blackmailed billions of rupiah with the promise of the case being resolved.

Feeling that he had fallen on the stairs, Tony, who felt he had been wronged by Richard Mille Jakarta's company, was disappointed when he was blackmailed into resolving his complaint. Tony Sutrisno did not accept the extortion and complained to a number of parties, especially to the National Police Propam regarding the actions of the two individuals.

Until February 23, 2022, the police responded to Tony's complaint and the two individuals, namely Kombes Rizal Irawan and Aria Wibawa, have been convicted of demotion because they were found guilty. The verdict itself has been issued by the Police Professional Code of Ethics Commission Session.

Rizal Irawan, who was demoted for 5 years, actually got a cut into 1 year's sentence. This made Tony dissatisfied. Heroe Waskito, Tony Sutrisno's attorney, a victim of police extortion, also asked the National Police Chief, General Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo, to intervene in this case.

According to Hinca, this case must be resolved immediately because it will reduce the authority of the police. He said that recently the police were being highlighted by the public because there were problems related to the integrity of their personnel.

"First there is a big problem within the internal police, and it is related to the integrity of the police personnel," said Hinca.

Therefore, Hinca conveyed the Richard Mille case to the National Police Chief during the rest of the Commission III Working Meeting (Raker) of the DPR and Polri. "Later it will follow up" concluded Hinca.

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