JAKARTA - It is hoped that the test plan for flying taxi transportation in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) will not interfere with aircraft lanes or airspace.

Secretary of the Directorate General of Air Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation Sigit Hani Hadiyanto said that his party approved the plan to test flying taxis at IKN as long as they did not interfere with commercial flight airspace.

"So, the provider or whatever the operator is with a concept that of course still uses air space that does not intersect with the air space for manned aircraft," Sigit said, quoting Antara.

He explained that in principle, air taxis are included in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAM).

So, he said, the flight mechanism is separate (segregated) with conventional aircraft air space.

"In principle, at this time the policy is that when it comes to unmanned aerial vehicles or UAM (ourban air mobility) or drones, or flying taxis or anything, is'segregationalized' in nature," he said.

Even so, according to Sigit, further studies of flying taxi operations still need to be carried out because the concept is also one thing that is still being observed around the world.

"ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) as the whole aviation regulation is also still conducting studies on this matter. So, we also refer to this," he explained.

Sigit further said that the use of flying taxis at IKN will also require operational permits because this is similar to the use of unmanned aircraft which also require permission and cannot be done in any airspace.

Therefore, he hopes that there will be readiness from the operator to coordinate well with the local airport and navigation service providers so that later it will not interfere with the airspace.

"Then the permit will be granted, if indeed all aspects are deemed to have met the applicable requirements and also the applicable'safety assessment'," said Sigit.

Meanwhile, the Archipelago Capital Authority (OIKN) targets a test (proof-of-concept/POC) for flying taxis for IKN in Samarinda City, East Kalimantan.

"There is a Hyundai from South Korea (South Korea) that wants to be tested in July regarding the POC of flying taxis," said IKN Deputy for Green Transformation and Digital Authority Mohammed Ali Berawi in Jakarta, Monday (27/5).

Ali said the trial in July, Hyundai will involve the Samarinda City Government (Pemkot) to use Aji Pangeran Tumenggung Pranoto Airport regarding the flight taxi trial.

OIKN itself last year tested a flying taxi at Budiarto Curug Airport, Tangerang, by the Chinese EHang company with a capacity of two people.

"If what will be tested in Samarinda, the flying taxi is for five people, so the capacity is greater," said Ali.

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