The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police will include the name Mahendra Dito Sampurno alias Dito Mahendra on the People's Wanted List (DPO) if he is no longer present at the investigation as a suspect in the alleged illegal possession of firearms (senpi).
Dito Mahendra had never fulfilled the summons for examination. In fact, when he was a witness.
"Yes, we will summon the suspect and if we don't come, we will DPO," said the Director of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri Brigadier General Djuhandhani Raharjo Puro when confirmed, Monday, April 17.
However, before naming Dito as a fugitive, investigators will first complete the administrative process. This is because he was only named a suspect based on the results of today's case title.
"We just went up to our title and then completed the mindistic first and then took steps according to the rules," said Djuhandhani.
Meanwhile, the title of the suspect's determination case involved several divisions in the National Police. The goal is that there is no administrative error in the investigation step.
"Today, investigators have carried out a case title, which was attended by representatives of itwasum, Divkum, Propam and Wasidik," said Djuhandani.
Dito Mahendra was recorded twice as absent on the agenda of the investigation. In fact, Bareskrim suspects he is hiding somewhere.
Dito Mahendra's allegation is hidden because until now there has been no information regarding the history of crossings that say he has left Indonesia or so on.
Thus, the investigative team continues to seek information and clues regarding its whereabouts.
Dito Mahendra is suspected of having 9 illegal rifles. The case handled by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police has also gone up to the investigation stage.
Senpi yang dinyatakan ilegal antara lain, pistol jenis Clock 17, Revolver S&W, pistol Clock 19 Zev, dan pistol Angstatd Arms.
Then, the Noveske Reflections, AK 101, the Heckler & Koch G 36 rifle, the Heckler & Koch MP 5 pistol, and the Walther air rifle. In this case, Dito Mahendra is threatened with life imprisonment or 20 years. Dito can be charged with Emergency Law number 12 of 1951.
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