JAKARTA - Lucinta Luna has been named a suspect in a narcotics abuse case and will be arrested. However, the police had difficulty deciding on the placement of the detention cell for these celebrities. The reason is, Lucinta Luna has two different proof of identity.

Responding to this, the Ministry of Home Affairs' Director General of Population and Civil Registration Zudan Arif Fakrulloh said Lucinta Luna had indeed changed her name according to her electronic KTP (KTP-el). However, Zudan did not say when the name change had been carried out.

"Our data shows that the person concerned was named Muhammad Fatah. The current name on the e-KTP is Ayluna Putri," Zudan told reporters when confirmed, Wednesday, February 12.

According to him, the change in name and gender on the resident identity card was carried out based on a court decision. "The court's decision (as the basis)," explained Zudan.

As previously reported, Lucinta Luna was arrested along with three of her colleagues, H, D, and N, Tuesday, February 11. They were dragged into the case because they were in a unit of the Thamrin City Apartment, Central Jakarta.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said investigators could not yet confirm the location of the detention because Lucinta Luna had two different proofs of identity.

"For the question of which cell LL (Lucinta Luna) enters, in the KTP in question is a woman, while the passport is male. But we must have a basis (to place it)," said Yusri in Jakarta, Wednesday, February 12.

So, currently investigators are still waiting for the attorney from Lucinta Luna to provide an explanation of the results of the investigation regarding the change in identity by the court.

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