JAKARTA - Senior politician and former Secretary-General of the Golkar Party, Idrus Marham, reminded all children of the nation to always express their aspirations in public in accordance with existing facts.
"For example, if there is no fact, it tends to be slanderous and can cause a commotion," said Idrus in a written statement received in Jakarta, Antara, Sunday, April 16.
Everyone as a child of the nation has the right to express their aspirations, as long as the aspirations are in accordance with the facts. He added, as a democratic country, Indonesia guarantees freedom for every citizen in expressing their aspirations.
"The nation's children have the right to speak to express their aspirations, there is no prohibition," he said.
This was also conveyed by Idrus in response to the statement of former Chairman of the Democratic Party Anas Urbaningrum who allegedly insinuated certain parties related to his involvement in the corruption case of the Hambalang National Center for Education, Training and Sports (P3SON) construction project.
According to Idrus, the aspirations or statements do not need to be questioned too far.
"There is no need to roll it out because this will roll itself out because of the facts that speak and become instruments and how far Anas can show the facts," he said.
Previously, Anas Urbaningrum was officially released from the Sukamiskin Class IA Prison, Bandung City, West Java, on Tuesday, April 11.
The convict in the Hambalang project corruption case is free on leave before release (CMB). With that status, Anas still needs to report to the Correctional Center for 3 months.
After being released, Anas Urbaningrum has also said that he will not cause any conflict or hostility after leaving the Sukamiskin Penitentiary, Bandung City, West Java.
He said that hostility was not in his life's dictionary. Therefore, he will fight for justice and not conflict.
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