MALUKU - The Ambon City Government (Pemkot) has asked the head of government at the village level or sub-district to record residents who do not have latrines at their residences. Those who are registered will receive assistance from the city government.

"I ask that two weeks from now all village heads, kings, and lurah enter data into the city government, are there in villages, sub-districts, countries where people do not have latrines. We will finish this year so that Ambon is free from homes that do not have latrines," said Acting Mayor (Pj) of Ambon Bodew Wattimena in Ambon, Wednesday, April 12, confiscated by Antara.

He said, based on government data he pocketed, there were still around 2,000 residents of Ambon City who did not have healthy latrines.

"There are still residents who do not use latrines to defecate but choose to go directly to the river or river, or some have latrines but do not enter the septic tank," he said.

He said the government is trying to make every house have healthy latrines so that there are no more residents who defecate in any place.

"Moreover, houses in densely populated residential areas must have latrines equipped with septic tanks," he said.

He emphasized the importance of providing healthy latrines and sanitation facilities to maintain public health and environmental health.

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