JAKARTA - The COVID-19 screening tool through the exhalation made by Gadjah Mada University (UGM), GeNose is ready to be distributed next month. Even so, until now there has been no set standard price for the use of a one-time COVID-19 test with GeNose.

Minister of Research and Technology / Head of the National Research and Innovation Agency (Menristek / BRIN) Bambang Brodjonegoro said the GeNose development team and the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) needed to sit together to set a standard price for one GeNose test.

"As it is often discussed whether Rp. 15 thousand or Rp. 25 thousand if it was issued by the Ministry of Health, GeNose officially becomes an official screening tool that can be used in health services," he said, in a webinar, Friday, January 15.

Bambang assessed that the standard test price is important to set in order to know the exact price. For example, when the Ministry of Health set the maximum tariff for antibody-based COVID-19 rapid tests.

The Minister of Research and Technology also encouraged various parties, including the Ministry of Health and doctors, to immediately socialize GeNose as a COVID-19 screening tool to the public.

"Later the early people who use this tool will make a reference. The simple question is whether this tool is suitable for use? Is this tool suitable for use? This will greatly determine the success of GeNose as a product that is needed by the community," he explained.

Please note, GeNose is a rapid screening tool made by the nation's children whose tests are different from the antigen or swab tests. Exhale-based GeNose tests.

Later, the patient's breath sample will be taken using GeNose, if the result is positive, it must still be validated using the standard PCR test swab test.

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