SURABAYA - The number of regions in East Java that implemented the Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) increased by four regions, namely Kediri, Nganjuk, Mojokerto, and Mojokerto City. Now a total of 15 districts / cities in East Java are implementing PPKM.
This PPKM decision is in accordance with the Decree of the Governor of East Java Number 181/7 / KPTS / 013/2021, regarding the Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities to Control the Spread of Corona Virus Desease 2019 dated January 13. This governor's decree is in effect since its enactment
"The addition of this PPKM is for the benefit of the community. Don't be bored to continue to discipline health protocols. Let's continue to protect each other so that East Java can quickly escape the shackles of COVID-19," said Khofifah, Friday, January 15,
Previously, only 11 regions had already implemented PPKM, namely Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Gresik, Malang City, Malang Regency, Batu City, Madiun City, Madiun Regency, Lamongan Regency, Ngawi Regency and Blitar City.
Khofifah did not explain the reasons for adding the four districts / cities to implement the PPKM. However, based on the latest data from the East Java COVID-19 Task Force, the four areas are now in red zones.
Mojokerto Regency, Mojokerto City, Nganjuk Regency, and Kediri Regency are currently in the red zone with Madiun City. So that there are five areas at high risk of contracting COVID-19.
There is no yellow zone recorded in the risk map data derived from the United Against COVID-19 application belonging to the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19.
Khofifah invited the people of East Java to remain optimistic about fighting and passing the COVID-19 pandemic by maintaining health protocols.
"We must be optimistic, God willing, East Java can," said Khofifah.
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