JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia (MPR RI) M Hidayat Nur Wahid (HNW) advised President Jokowi to form a Government Regulation in Lieu of the Asset Confiscation Law (Perppu) on the grounds of coercive interest.

"If you really want to speed up the ratification and feel that there is a urgent and urgent need, the President can again apply for this asset confiscation rule in the form of a Government Regulation in Lieu of the Law (Perppu) on the grounds of coercive interest, as is customary for the Government," said HNW in a statement received in Jakarta, Friday, April 7.

He made this statement as a solution to accelerate the completion of the Asset Confiscation Act. Until now, said HNW, the Government has not completed the draft Law (RUU) on Asset Confiscation.

In fact, the existence of the Asset Confiscation Law is important to solve various cases such as the odd transaction case of IDR 349 trillion. Therefore, HNW encourages the Government to immediately complete the draft Asset Confiscation Bill so that it can be immediately ratified by the DPR.

"It will be quickly approved by the absolute majority of parties and factions in the DPR," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, April 7.

However, said HNW, what is no less important than the issue of the presence of the Asset Confiscation Bill is the law enforcement's commitment to use this legal instrument with courage, honesty, and truth.

The reason is, so far, many similar laws have been produced, but in practice not much has been implemented in the field. For example, related to the prevention and eradication of money laundering crimes that have been stipulated into law since 2010, but until now it is still very minimal in use.

"So, the regulations needed in the form of the Asset Confiscation Bill must be in line with the continued reform of law enforcement and enforcement in Indonesia, so that the purpose of the presence of this bill can be realized," concluded HNW.

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